





11. were documented

12. that/which

13. collecting

14. in/into

15. expressions

16. sadder

17. to influence

18. has gone

19. touches

20. whether


I’ ve loved photography since I was a teenager. My parents recorded many home videos of my siblings and me. Cherished family moments11 (document). Revisiting them was like opening a treasure chest. I’m grateful for these visual records12 showed our youth and growth. Film had a big influence on me. I love the emotions conveyed by the story on video. For a decade I worked as a freelance filmmaker and photographer. I recorded a wide range of genres, therefore13 (collect) tens of thousands of images—both still and moving.


11. 这道题有些难度,主要是大家可能对document这个词不太熟。document作名词时表示“文件,文档”,咱们计算机上的word文档的后缀名就是“.doc”,这个doc就是document;而作为动词时,document表示“记录,记载”,这句话的主语是cherished family moments(宝贵的家庭时光),与动词document之间很明显是被动关系,根据上下文可知是一般过去时,因此应该填一般过去时的被动语态形式(were documented)。


12. 分析句子结构可知,横线后面是showed …,很明显是从句的谓语动词,根据意思可知此处是定语从句修饰先行词these visual records, 而定语从句明显缺少主语的成分,因此用关系代词whichthat


13. 首先,大家要知道therefore(因此)不是连词,而是一个副词,因此空白处缺乏非谓语,因为前面的主句中已经有了谓语动词recorded,而collect的逻辑主语明显是“I”,是一种主动关系,故填collecting。(大家牢记,非谓语三种情况:to do表目的、将来,doing表主动、进行,done表被动、完成



“Conventional wisdom tells us that we can feel happier if we smile or that we can get ourselves14 a more serious mood if we scowl(怒视)”, said Nicholas Coles, a PhD at Utah University. His team combined data from 138 studies testing more than 1,000 participants and found facial15 (express) do have impact on feelings. For example, smiling makes people happier, scowling makes them feel angrier, and frowning makes them16 (sad). These findings are exciting because they provide a clue about how the mind and body interact17 (influence) our conscious experience of emotion.

14. 此处没有提示词,基本上需要填冠词、介词、连词中的一种,空白处后面是名词短语a more serious mood,根据句上文可知,get sb. ___ a … mood应该是表示“让某人陷入一种……情绪”,因此填介词in或into。


15. 此题比较简单,先确定空白处缺什么词性,前面是形容词facial(面部的),后面需要填名词,因此将express变为expression,但是需要注意使用复数形式expressions


16. 这道题也比较简单,大家要敏感一些,括号里面的提示词是形容词sad(伤心的),很可能需要变为副词、比较级、最高级或者是名词形式,因此先判断缺乏何种词性。make sb. +形容词表示“让某人变得……”,而且and连接的前面的内容有smiling makes peoplehappier, scowling makes them feelangrier,因此本题也应该用比较级sadder


17. 分析句子结构可知,括号里面的influence在此处应该做动词,提示词为动词,结果基本有两种:谓语与非谓语。我们只需看动词所在的那句话即可:how the mind and body interact17 (influence) our conscious experience of emotion.这句话的主语为the mind and body,谓语动词为interact(相互作用),本句话意思可以看出来应该是要表示“身体与大脑相互作用进而影响了……”,因此需要用不定式todo,答案为to influence.



By drawing patterns such as bamboos on the surface of a cup of tea, Chabaixi, an ancient Chinese tea trick18 (go) viral recently. There are a dozen steps, from grinding tea for fine powder, to pouring boiled water, stirring the mixture for thick froth (泡沫), and finally drawing pattens. Clear water is used to put into the cup. When the water19 (touch) the surface of tea, it turns into a white color and disappears in 20 minutes. The process before drawing is known as “diancha”. The quality of it is crucial to20 the patterns can be successfully produced later.

18. 首先,很明显空白处缺乏谓语成分,需要我们注意时态与主被动的问题,大家注意,recently(最近)是现在完成时的时间状语,另外这里面的goviral大家可能不太理解,也会对做题造成影响,viral本意是“病毒的”,goviral表示“如病毒般扩散、传播”,这里翻译为“走红”,因此不是被动关系,只需填现在完成时的主动形式has gone.




20. 首先,大家需要判断出来此处缺乏的词性,上面我们说过,没有给提示词的情况下,基本上需要冠词、介词、连词这几种,而空白处后面是一个完整的句子“the patterns can be …”,说明此处缺乏一个连词,从而将主句与从句连接起来。而这个连词需要看整句话的句意才能判断出来,需要填whether(是否);大家需要注意的是,虽然if也有“是否”的意思,但是语法上规定:介词后面需要加上“是否”这个词的时候只能用whether,不能用if。




I’ ve loved photography since I was a teenager. My parents recorded many home videos of my siblings and me. Cherished family moments were documented. Revisiting them was like opening a treasure chest. I’m grateful for these visual records which showed our youth and growth. Film had a big influence on me. I love the emotions conveyed by the story on video. For a decade I worked as a freelance filmmaker and photographer. I recorded a wide range of genres, therefore collecting tens of thousands of images—both still and moving.



“Conventional wisdom tells us that we can feel happier if we smile or that we can get ourselves into a more serious mood if we scowl(怒视)”, said Nicholas Coles, a PhD at Utah University. His team combined data from 138 studies testing more than 1,000 participants and found facial expressions do have impact on feelings. For example, smiling makes people happier, scowling makes them feel angrier, and frowning makes them sadder. These findings are exciting because they provide a clue about how the mind and body interact to influence our conscious experience of emotion.

“传统观点告诉我们,微笑可以让我们感觉更快乐,而怒视可以让自己的情绪波动更严重”, 犹他大学的博士尼古拉斯·科尔斯(Nicholas Coles)这样说。他的团队测试了1000多名参与者,综合得出的138项研究数据,发现面部表情确实对感情有影响。例如,微笑让人更快乐,怒视让人更气愤,皱眉让人更悲伤。这些发现是令人兴奋的,因为它们就思想和身体是如何相互作用进而影响我们有意识的情感体验这一事件提供了线索。


By drawing patterns such as bamboos on the surface of a cup of tea, Chabaixi, an ancient Chinese tea trick has gone viral recently. There are a dozen steps, from grinding tea for fine powder, to pouring boiled water, stirring the mixture for thick froth (泡沫), and finally drawing pattens. Clear water is used to put into the cup. When the water touches the surface of tea, it turns into a white color and disappears in 20 minutes. The process before drawing is known as “diancha”. The quality of it is crucial to whether the patterns can be successfully produced later.


























提示词语:项目学习一project-based learning


Dear Jim,

I hope this email finds you well. As we begin our project-based learning paper, I appreciate your suggestion to utilize AI for the initial draft. However, I must respectfully decline the idea.我希望你收到这封邮件时一切都好。在我们开始我们的基于项目的学习论文时,我感谢你建议在初稿中使用AI。然而,我必须恭敬地拒绝这个想法。

The purpose of this project is for us to work collaboratively, communicate our ideas, and develop our skills.这个项目的目的是让我们合作,交流我们的想法,发展我们的技能。While AI may assist in generating a draft, it could hinder our ability to work together and share our perspectives.这个项目的目的是让我们合作,交流我们的想法,发展我们的技能。It is crucial for us to collaborate and exchange ideas to create a comprehensive paper that showcases our joint efforts and knowledge.对于我们来说,合作和交流思想以创建一份全面的论文,展示我们的共同努力和知识是至关重要的。

Instead, I suggest we begin by researching and outlining our individual ideas, and then meeting to discuss and consolidate them into a coherent paper.相反,我建议我们从研究和概述我们的个人想法开始,然后开会讨论并将它们整合成一篇连贯的论文。This method will allow us to learn from each other’s thought processes and build a stronger understanding of the subject matter.这种方法可以让我们从彼此的思维过程中学习,对主题有更强的理解。

Thank you for understanding my perspective. I am looking forward to working with you to create an excellent paper.谢谢你理解我的观点。我期待着与您一起创作一篇优秀的论文。

Best regards,

Li Hua



Dear Jim,

I hope this email finds you well. Regarding the project-based learning paper, I appreciate your suggestion to use AI for the initial draft.我希望你收到这封邮件时一切都好。关于project-based learning paper,我很感谢你建议在初稿中使用AI。However, as a high school student, our primary goal is to learn and improve our writing skills. Relying on AI would not allow us to achieve that.然而,作为一名高中生,我们的主要目标是学习和提高我们的写作技能。依靠人工智能是无法实现这一目标的。

Instead, my suggestion is that we work together to brainstorm and outline our ideas first.相反,我的建议是,我们一起进行头脑风暴,先勾勒出我们的想法。Then, each of us can independently write our sections, and we can exchange feedback afterward.然后,我们每个人都可以独立地写我们的部分,然后我们可以交换反馈。By doing so, we can learn from each other’s writing styles and improve our own skills.通过这样做,我们可以学习彼此的写作风格,提高自己的技能。

I believe this approach will benefit us more in the long run. Let me know if you have any thoughts or suggestions.我相信从长远来看,这种方法对我们更有好处。如果你有任何想法或建议,请告诉我。


Li Hua


Dear Jim,

I hope this email finds you well. I appreciate your suggestion to use AI for our project-based learning paper.我希望你收到这封邮件时一切都好。我很感谢你建议我们在基于项目的学习论文中使用人工智能。However, I respectfully decline the idea.然而,我恭敬地拒绝这个想法。

In my opinion, relying solely on AI would rob us of the opportunity to develop our critical thinking and analytical skills throughout the research process.在我看来,完全依赖人工智能会剥夺我们在整个研究过程中培养批判性思维和分析技能的机会。Furthermore, it is important that we demonstrate our own understanding and originality in the paper.此外,重要的是我们要在论文中展示我们自己的理解和独创性。

Instead, I suggest that we each take responsibility for different sections of the paper and collaborate closely to ensure the final product is comprehensive and cohesive.相反,我建议我们每个人都负责论文的不同部分,并密切合作,以确保最终产品是全面和有凝聚力的。We could also seek feedback from our teachers and peers to refine our work.我们也可以从老师和同学那里寻求反馈来完善我们的工作。

I look forward to working with you and creating a successful project-based learning experience.我期待与你合作,创造一个成功的基于项目的学习经验。

Best regards,

Li Hua


Dear Jim,

I hope this email finds you well. Regarding our project-based learning paper, I appreciate your suggestion of using AI to complete the initial draft.我希望你收到这封邮件时一切都好。关于我们的project-based learning paper,我非常感谢您建议使用AI来完成初稿。However, I believe it’s important for us to work on the project together and share our ideas and insights.然而,我认为重要的是我们一起在这个项目上工作,分享我们的想法和见解。

As for my proposal, why don’t we split the workload equally and each take responsibility for drafting half of the paper?至于我的建议,为什么我们不平分工作量,每人负责起草一半的论文呢?This way, we can collaborate more effectively and produce a paper that reflects both of our perspectives.这样,我们可以更有效地合作,并写出一篇反映我们双方观点的论文。

I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this plan. Let’s work together to create a successful project-based learning paper!我期待听到你对这个计划的看法。让我们一起创造一个成功的基于项目的学习论文!

Best regards,

Li Hua


I hope this email finds you well.

Regardingthe project-based learning paper,

I appreciate your suggestionto use AI for the initial draft.

improve our writing skills.

Relying onAI would not allow us to achieve that.

work togethertobrainstorm and outline our ideas

independently write our sections

exchange feedbackafterward

learn from each other’s writing styles

I believe this approach will benefit us morein the long run.

Let me know if you have any thoughts or suggestions.

I appreciate your suggestion to use AI for

relying solely on AI wouldrob us of the opportunity

todevelop our critical thinking and analytical skills

demonstrate our own understanding and originality in the paper.

take responsibilityfor different sections

collaborate closelyto ensure the final product iscomprehensiveandcohesive.

seek feedback fromour teachers and peers to refine our work.

I look forward to working with youand creating a successful project-based learning experience.我期待与你合作,创造一个成功的基于项目的学习经验。







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