



1. What does the man want to do during his vacation?

A. Take a trip to England.

B. Read Shakespeare’s works.

C. Visit the birthplace of his parents.

2. Which kind of rides does the woman like?

A. The ones that go upside down.

B. The ones that go really high.

C. The ones that go really fast.

3. When will the speakers meet?

A. Next Monday morning.

B. Next Tuesday morning.

C. Next Tuesday evening.

4. Where are the speakers?

A. In a library.

B. In a factory.

C. In a restaurant.

5. What is the woman worried about?

A. Not being home very much.

B. Her son’s problems in class.

C. People not talking with her son.




6. What advice does the man give to the woman?

A. Finding a job.

B. Going to a university.

C. Learning to read and write.

7. What is the woman’s attitude toward her future?

A. Hopeless. B. Confident. C. Uncertain.


8. Why is the man calling?

A. To book plane tickets.

B. To cancel a travel plan.

C. To ask something about the meeting.

9. When will the man come back?

A. On Sunday morning.

B. On Sunday afternoon.

C. On Sunday evening.


10. What was the woman doing in Canada?

A. Sightseeing.

B. Visiting some friends.

C. Helping a research program.

11. When will the woman go back to Canada?

A. In March.

B. On Thanksgiving Day.

C. At Christmas.

12. What can we learn about the woman’s stay in Canada?

A. She traveled a lot.

B. She was very busy.

C. She seldom went to parties.


13. Why is the man ashamed?

A. He is behind in his class.

B. He can’t find a good math tutor.

C. He is having problems understanding lectures.

14. Who will help the man?

A. His teacher.

B. The woman.

C. An older student.

15. What do we know about the woman?

A. She does very well in math.

B. She lives far from the man.

C. She is in a higher grade.

16. How does the man probably feel in the end?

A. Grateful.

B. Confused.

C. Disappointed.


17. What was the weather like before the storm?

A. It rained for weeks.

B. It was warm for two days.

C. It didn’t rain much for months.

18. Which part of the city has more hills?

A. The west.

B. The south.

C. The north.

19. Why should people stay away from the Creek Canyon?

A. The ground is too hard.

B. The road is washed out.

C. Chemicals will be used there.

20. Who should go to the flood relief clinic?

A. Babies.

B. The elderly.

C. Those injured in the floodwater.


Text 1

W: What are you going to do during summer vacation?

M: I’m not sure. I hope to travel to England and visit the birthplace of Shakespeare. (1) But I think my parents will make me study at home.

Text 2

M: I can’t believe you convinced me to go on that roller coaster. It goes upside down!

W: I know. That’s my favorite kind! (2) But I’m afraid of the rides that bring you up really high and drop you super quickly, and the ones that go really fast. Those are terrifying.

Text 3

W: Mr. Robertson, are you free next Monday morning? I have something to talk to you about.

M: I’m sorry. I have a full schedule next Monday. I am available next Tuesday at 10:30 a.m., though. Is that OK?

W: That’ll be fine. (3)

Text 4

W: Oh, the smoke from the smoking area is annoying.

M: Yes, it is. We’d better move to the table by the window.

W: That would be nice. Now we can enjoy this delicious meal. (4)

Text 5

W: This note from Paul’s school says that Paul talks too much. I’m kind of worried. We don’t want him to start having problems at school. (5)

M: Let’s ask him about it tonight. Sometimes kids just need to talk to someone, and we haven’t been home much recently.

Text 6

W: I can’t decide whether to go to a university or get a job. What do you think? (6) (7)

M: Well, if I were you, I would continue studying. (6)

W: But I don’t even know what to study. (7)

M: I advise you to major in business management.

W: That’s what my parents want me to do.

M: Maybe you should take their advice.

W: But my friends will have jobs that are a lot of fun, while I spend all my time reading and writing. (7)

M: But if you go to a university, you’ll still have time for fun.

W: Well, I’ll think it over. Thank you. (7)

Text 7

W: Thank you for calling Star Travel Service. How may I help you?

M: Hello, this is Antonio Chang from G&W Corporation. I’m planning to go on a business trip this weekend. I’d like to leave for New York tomorrow night and return on Sunday morning. (8)

W: Let me check. You can leave at 8:00 p.m. tomorrow, but all the economy class seats have been booked for Sunday morning. You may return on Sunday afternoon or you’ll have to sit in business class that morning.

M: Well, book me an economy class seat for Sunday afternoon. (8) (9) I have a meeting that evening, so I have to come back before that starts.

Text 8

W: Hello, Richard. Nice to see you!

M: Hi, Barbara. Haven’t seen you for ages.

W: I’ve just come back from Canada. I was helping a research program there. (10)

M: Oh, how nice! How did your program go?

W: Very well. And I’m going back to Canada in March to continue. (11)

M: Did you enjoy your stay there?

W: Oh, yes. Canadians are very nice people. I mean, the people I worked with were very friendly and very helpful!

M: Did you travel a lot there? (12)

W: No, we were very busy trying to finish the first part before Christmas. (12) But my friends took me to quite a few parties, and I will never forget the big meal on Thanksgiving Day and the fun we had on Boxing Day.

M: What?

W: Boxing Day…you know, the day following Christmas Day.

M: You certainly learned a lot there.

Text 9

M: I think I need a math tutor. I’m having a lot of trouble with my homework. But I’m too embarrassed to ask for help. Everyone else in the class seems to be doing fine. (13) Do you know where I might find a tutor?

W: I think our teacher can connect you with someone from a higher grade who is good at math. What’s your problem? Maybe I can help you.

M: I’m mostly struggling with the different homework assignments. They look nothing like whatever we’ve been learning in class, at least to me. I think I’m doing well in class and I’m getting it. But whenever I go home and open up the textbook to see what I’m supposed to work on, I get confused.

W: I can definitely help you. (14) Why don’t I come to your house after school and teach you? We live close to one another, anyway. We’re in the same class, so we have the same textbook. And math comes really easy to me. (15) I really don’t mind.

M: That would be great, if you’re sure you don’t mind. You’re a great friend! (16)

Text 10

Well, we’re finally starting to dry out after two days of wet weather. After months of dry weather, the hard ground couldn’t hold all that water, so we’ve had some floods in neighborhoods in the north of the city. (17) In the south where there are more hills, (18) I’m sorry to say that Elm Street and Lynn Lane have both been washed out. Drivers will need to find a different way to get to work. You might also want to avoid the Creek Canyon and Stony Ridge neighborhoods in the west. There’s still a lot of water there, and the health department will be using chemicals to kill the insects there early in the morning on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. (19) Babies, the elderly, and anyone with a serious disease should stay indoors early in the morning. If you get injured cleaning up from the flood or walking in floodwater, please be aware that floodwater carries many diseases. You should go to the flood relief clinic for free shots as soon as possible. (20)



6—10 BCABC

11—15 ABABA

16—20 ACBCC




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