


马丁·柯恩教授(Professor Martin Kern)



马丁·柯恩教授:龚教授,您好。中国文学体系和”诗歌”的起源可以追溯到西周时期,当时还没有 “诗歌”或 “文学”的独特概念。青铜器铭文为宗教和政治仪式的特定场合使用了诸如韵律、节奏和节拍等特征。这种强化的、具有美学特征的言语形式——当时在《尚书》的演讲、《诗经》的诗歌和《周易》的诗句中也有比较系统的体现——靠着我们通常所说的 “诗 “的语言特征,在形式上与日常言语有所区别。

然而,这种”诗 “并不符合现代的 “诗 “的概念;在中国早期没有一个单一的 “诗 “字,也没有关于个别 “诗人 “和他们独特的、原创的创作形式的成熟概念。相反,中国早期的 “诗 “是由共同的思想和表达方式组成的,也就是说,是由每一个这样的话语中有限的、重复的词汇组成。它的主要形式特征延伸到所有早期的非语录性话语(铭文、演讲、颂歌和其他歌曲、占卜规则等)。

因此,虽然不同类型的《诗经》”诗”(”颂”、”雅”和 “风”)彼此不共享相同的词汇和修辞,但它们都属于超越《诗经》文本本身的大话语。将这些话语结合在一起的是它们对文化身份的表达、稳定和传播。韵律、节奏、节拍和其他美学特征以两种方式发挥作用:它们标志着什么是最重要的,而且它们是表演和记诵的记忆工具。

The origins of the Chinese literary system, and of “poetry,” are found in the Western Zhou dynasty, when no distinct concept of “poetry” or “literature” existed. Bronze inscriptions deployed features such as rhyme, rhythm, and meter for specific occasions of religious and political rituals. This form of intensified and aesthetically marked speech—then also found more systematically in the receivedShangshu speeches, Shijing poetry, and verses in the Zhou Yi—was formally distinguished from everyday speech by its linguistic features we commonly call “poetry.” Yet this “poetry” does not correspond to modern ideas of “poetry”; there is no a single word for “poetry” in early China, and there is no developed idea of individual “poets” and their unique, original forms of composition. Instead, early Chinese “poetry” is composed from shared repertoires of ideas and expressions, that is, from limited, repetitive lexicons within each such discourse. Its principal formal features extend across all early non-quotidian utterances (inscriptions, speeches, hymns and other songs, divination formulas, etc.). Thus, while the different types of Shijiing “poems” (the “Eulogies,” “Court Hymns,” and “Airs of the States”) do not share the same lexicon and diction with one another, they each belong to larger discourses that transcend the text of the Shijing itself. What unites these discourses is their commitment to the expression, stabilization, and transmission of cultural identity. Rhyme, rhythm, meter and other aesthetic features functioned in two ways: they marked what was centrally important, and they served as mnemonic devices for performance and memorization.







Chinese bibliographies ofShijing scholarship across two millennia contain at least twice as many titles as those of Shangshu scholarship. In pre-imperial sources the Shangshu (especially the received text) is barely visible, while Shijing poetry is quoted everywhere. In imperial China, both Shangshu and Shijing were part of the Five Classics, but only the latter also enjoyed a broad literary reception. Even a canonical scholar like Zhu Xi (1130–1200) wrote a Shijing commentary but not a Shangshu commentary. That said, Western scholarship on the Shangshu remains woefully limited. To most modern Sinologists, the text is difficult, dull, and historically dubious. Few people seem to enjoy reading it; and fewer still find the ideas expressed there interesting or relevant (compared to, say, Warring States political thought). In short, while the Shijing continues to speak to our poetic sensibilities and is part of Chinese literary history, for most Western Sinologists the Shangshu holds merely antiquarian interest. This is unfortunate, because the Shangshu—as a text less of history than of political mythology—should be of great relevance to cultural comparisons across the ancient world. Together with parts of the Shijing, its speeches related to the Zhou conquest are still a central reference point for reflecting on China’s political origins and cultural identity. For this alone the text is worth studying from comparative perspectives. Yet meanwhile, even modern Chinese political scientists, when searching for ancient political ideas relevant to our time, never turn to the Shangshu.





然而,”独立”并不等于 “独特 “或 “无法比拟”。因此,我目前正在共同编辑一个大型项目《语文学实践》。该项目涵盖了大约20种不同的语言学文化,有来自世界各地的数百名学者参与,以确定和描述具体的语文学实践。



从根本上说,对古代的比较研究试图使熟悉的东西变得不熟悉。如果不了解其他文化,就无法完全理解”自己的 “古代文化。

There are two questions here: one on global practices of philology, the other on the comparative study of antiquity. Practices of philology have existed side by side for thousands of years in different cultures; some have interacted with those around them, others have remained mostly separate. Chinese philology before the arrival of Buddhism is an example of the latter, while in many multilingual cultures, or cultures in close contact with texts in other languages, translation was always a core practice of philology. Yet “separate” does not equal “unique” or “incomparable.” Thus, I am currently co-editing a large project,Philological Practices: A Comparative Historical Lexicon, that covers some twenty different philological cultures and involves hundreds of scholars from around the world to identify and describe specific philological practices on their own terms. There also exist many centers for comparative philological study—especially comparative manuscript studies—in the West, though none yet in China. The comparative study of antiquity, on the other hand, is itself a discipline with a centuries-long history in Europe, but also one that recently has become particularly dynamic. Its relevance lies not in the comparison of two or more cultures to identify their similarities and differences. Instead, it proposes to view different cultures in light of one another, to discover new questions about one culture by looking at the important questions in other cultures. Fundamentally, the comparative study of antiquity seeks to defamiliarize the familiar. One cannot fully understand “one’s own” ancient culture without also understanding others.

龚鹏程教授:近年,对中国古代诗歌之口传与书写问题,已成为一个新的热点或争论。对于夏含夷(Edward L.Shaughnessy)、张万民等人的意见,您有最新的回应吗?

马丁·柯恩教授:这种关于《诗经》的所谓辩论是适得其反的。我对驳斥关于”书写和口述 “的简单化误解和错误的对立并不感兴趣。



相反,即使是”同一首 “诗,在不同的朗诵场合也会有不同的即兴发挥,然后被写下来。因此,这些诗在声音上基本稳定,但在字形上却不稳定,因此,对其文字的解释仍有不同的可能性。

这正是《毛诗》和后来的注释经常将某些字形解释为”借来的字形(假藉) “的原因,这些字形不应该从表面上看,而应该作为声音相似的字形的不规则替代品来阅读。

长话短说,我对《诗经》诗歌的”口头或书面性质 “不感兴趣;我关注的是写作和口头表演中诗歌传播的交错过程。从证据来看,包括被掠夺的安徽大学手稿,我认为情况很清楚。也许有些学者误解了有关的论点。

This so-called debate about theShijing is counterproductive. I am not interested in refuting simplistic misunderstandings and false antagonisms about “writing and orality.” Since 2002 I have repeatedly written on the analysis of textual variants in early manuscripts, describing how overwhelmingly, these variants are based on similarity in sound, not in visual appearance. I concluded that most early literary or philosophical manuscripts, not only those regarding the Shijing, were written from memory or recitation. I suggested that such individual acts of writing—of which there were many—were usually independent from one another and that no single written text controlled the actual transmission of a Shijing poem over time. Instead, even “the same” poem could be improvised differently on different occasions of recitation and then be written down as such. As a result, the poems were largely stable in their sounds but not in their graphs, and hence still open to different interpretations of their words. This is precisely the reason why the Mao Shi and later commentaries frequently interpret certain graphs as “loan graphs” that should be read not at face value but as irregular substitutes for graphs of similar sound. Long story short, I am not interested at all in the “oral or written nature” of Shijing poetry; I am concerned with the intersecting processes of poetic transmission in both writing and oral performance. Looking at the evidence, including the looted Anhui University manuscript, I think the case is clear. Perhaps some scholars misunderstand the argument in question.




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